Girls Lounge

u Girls Lounge


Evo ovih dana pratim aktualna natezanja u Butch temi, zatim temu u kojoj se u formi ankete pita jesi li butch ili femme otvoreno zanemarujuci sve ono izmedu ta dva pojma. Bez iniciranja vec postojeceg antagonizma otvaram temu za sve one koji se odbijaju deklarirat tim dvama iskljucivim terminima, a jednako si tako ostavljam  za pravo temu nazvati "tomboy", terminom s kojim se osobno identificiram no unatoc tomu slobodni ste izjasniti se kao androgynous ili nekim od podtipova vec spomenutih kategorija. Pronalazite li se u tom terminu, preferirate li ih ili ih percipirate kao pre "masculine" ili pre "feminine"
Pa uvedimo u definiciju tomboya:

Tomboy refers to a female whose behavior is free from the restriction of unwritten societal gender rules. She doesn't think she is being boyish or girlish, she is being herself. It is hopefully considered an old-fashioned term.
They are intolerant of bullies and tend to step in to balance uneven situations. Warrior-like in an honorable way. Girl/young woman, who embraces her emotions & feminine side, but also isnt afraid to get down & dirty. A girl or young women that can do everything a boy/young man can. Maybe better, maybe worse but always as sexy or sexier. A female who doesn't conform to societies idea of what "feminine" is because she just happens to not like it. Tomboys are girls who are pretty on the inside and the outside, it just so happens that they don't feel the need to show it off. :think:

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