Film i TV

u Film i TV

Arcane: League of Legends

Za sve simpove koji prate ovaj divni serijal :D
Nemojte bas spoilati, ako ce biti nesto ubacite neki spoiler alert da ekipa koja jos nije pogledala samostalno dozivi svijet Hextecha, bacajte svoja nagadanje, dojmove i sve pikanterije sto idu s tim :)

NonNetflix online za pogledati :

Two sisters. Two cities. One discovery that will change the world forever. In the cities of Piltover and Zaun, unrest stirs as inventors and thieves, politicians and crime lords chafe against the constraints of a society torn asunder.

Arcane is an animated television series set in the League of Legends universe. The series was unveiled during the League of Legends 10th Anniversary celebrations. It is currently being developed and produced by Riot and animated by Fortiche Productions in Paris, France.

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