Girls Lounge

u Girls Lounge

Butch vs Femme

Još jedna c/p (vrijedna sam ovih dana) :alexis:
dakle, osnovna kategorizacija lezbijki (nećemo ulazit u lipstick, tomboy i ostalo)
u koju kategoriju spadate? (da vidimo stanje na Haer-u)

Butch and femme are LGBT terms describing respectively, masculine and feminine traits, behavior, style, expression, self-perception and so on. They are often used in the lesbian, bisexual and gay subcultures. A similar term, en femme, is also frequently used in the crossdressing community.
Butch and femme are sometimes used to describe the identities of each person in a gay or lesbian relationship in terms that are analogous to a heterosexual relationship, with butch representing the traditionally male role and femme the traditional female role. Not all gay or lesbian couples can be described accurately in these terms.

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