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u Film i TV

Podcasts: Slušate li ih? Koje biste preporučili?

Evo teme da razglabate o podcastima, koje volite, zašto ih volite i slično.

Ne znam koliko ljudi ovdje uopće sluša podcastove, ali ja sam posve navučena. Više ne mogu zamisliti da se vozim u javnom prijevozu ili šetam do stanice, ili u prirodi i da ne slušam podcast. Knjige su nezgodne za javni prijevoz, ili ima mnogo ljudi, ili se trucka, a i ne možeš čitati dok šetat do i od stanice. Bluetooth slušalice u kombinaciji sa BeyondPod aplikacijom preko koje skidam podcastove... Bingo! Nov, nepresušan i praktičan izvor informacija i zabave.

Trenutno slušam mali milijun podcastova, evo izdvojit ću neke:

A Way With Words - jezične začkoljice, zanimljivosti i bizarnosti. AWWW is a show about language and how we use it.
You Are Not So Smart - podcast o tome kako nas naš mozak obmanjuje. YANSS is a celebration of self delusion that explores topics related to cognitive biases, heuristics, and logical fallacies.
Dan Carlin's Hard Core History - cijeli život sam mislila da mrzim povijest, a onda sam otkrila ovo. This isn't academic history (and Carlin isn't a historian) but the podcast's unique blend of high drama, masterful narration and Twilight Zone-style twists has entertained millions of listeners.
Nómadas - španjolski podcast, svaki tjedan negdje otputuju pa pričaju o toj destinaciji.
RadioLab - moglo bi se reći da je RL proto-podcast, jer je prvi ovog tipa. Vjerojatno najbolji podcast koji postoji. RadioLab is a radio show and podcast weaving stories and science into sound and music-rich documentaries.
The Moth - tople životne priče. The Moth is dedicated to promoting the art & craft of storytelling. The Moth's stories are true,first-person narratives told live, and without notes in front of them.
Welcome to Night Vale - ovo je za vas ako volite bizarno-apsurdno-nihilistički humor. Welcome to Night Vale is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
Freakonomics - Ekonomija na zabavan način.
The Economist - britanski magazin, podcast verzija. Dobro za ostati u toku sa vijestima.

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